The artworks below are in our current collection; they give us a lot of joy. We hope you will enjoy them too. By collecting the works of great unknown women artists, we want to honour their life & art. Come, have a look and remember their names.

Dora Brandenburg-Polster (1884-1958)
Nelly Goedewaagen (1880-1953)
Nola Hatterman (1899-1984)
Edith Hume (1843-1906)
Johanna van de Kasteele (1858-1951)
Sientje Mesdag-van Houten (1834-1909)
Tilly Moes (1899-1979)
Truus Pannekoek-van Bemmel (1887-1975)
Coba Ritsema (1876-1961)
Johanna Sijthoff-van Rijswijk (1873-1959)
Coba Surie (1879-1970)

For more interesting 19thC female painters from Europe, go to our Online Museum.

Thérèse Schwartze REVIEW
Links to more joy

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Fem Art Collection is a non-profit foundation. We totally depend on your kind donations & other gifts; without them we cannot exist.
As we are an official ‘Cultural ANBI’, your gift (in The Netherlands) is tax-deductable up to 125-150%! If you want to support our work, your donation is most welcome on our IBAN bank account:
NL85 ABNA 0115 0252 19  to Fem Art Collection.